[lead align=”default”]With the awesome shortcode generator you don’t have to remember and enter any shortcode code, everything just happens inside the user-friendly shortcode generator interface. Just enter a few options for the selected shortcode and you’re ready to go![/lead]
[lead]There are just too many combinations and options availabe to show them all…but here goes some examples. This is a Lead Paragraph by the way![/lead]
[header text=”” subtext=”Alert Messages”]
[alert heading=”Info Alert Heading” type=”alert-info” block=”false” close=”true”]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. [/alert]
[alert heading=”Success Alert Heading” type=”alert-success” block=”false” close=”true”]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. [/alert]
[alert heading=”Error Alert Heading” type=”alert-error” block=”false” close=”true”]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. [/alert]
[header text=”” subtext=”Columns and Rows”]
[lead]You have 12 fluid blocks, divide them as you wish! Every combination is possibile, a few examples: [/lead]
[column span=”6″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/column]
[column span=”6″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/column]
[column span=”9″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/column]
[column span=”3″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. [/column]
[column span=”3″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. [/column]
[column span=”3″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate.[/column]
[column span=”6″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/column]
[header text=”” subtext=”Blockquote”]
[blockquote cite=”Michael Jackson” float=”left” align=”left”]The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. [/blockquote]
[header text=”” subtext=”Page Header”]
[header text=”This is a page header” subtext=”and its subtext”]
[header text=”” subtext=”Jumbotron”]
[jumbotron background=”#e6e6e6″ color=”#282828″]This is a jumbotron, text and background colors are customizable from the shortcode[/jumbotron]
[header text=”” subtext=”Gallery Carousel”]
[carousel_gallery include=”535, 534, 533, 532″]
[header text=”” subtext=”Accordion”]
[accordion title=”This is an accordion group” id=”id-here”]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Click me to toggle” id=”id-here2″]Etiam scelerisque suscipit vestibulum. Fusce et eros sapien, eget commodo enim. Integer sed velit mauris. Aenean rhoncus iaculis auctor. Morbi a magna et arcu lacinia vulputate. Aliquam dignissim congue justo, vel congue purus lacinia sed. Donec sit amet augue ante. Aenean nisl lectus, suscipit vitae molestie nec, ornare non sapien. Ut molestie lorem sit amet mi pellentesque vehicula.[/accordion]
[header text=”” subtext=”Font-Awesome Icons”]
[lead]Over 200+ icons available from the great Font-Awesome resource. Icon, size and color are fully customizable from the shortcode manager, a few examples: [/lead]
[icon type=”desktop” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”desktop” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”desktop” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”desktop” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”default”] [icon type=”laptop” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”laptop” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”laptop” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”laptop” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”default”] [icon type=”tablet” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”tablet” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”tablet” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”default”][icon type=”tablet” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”default”]
[icon type=”heart” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”heart” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”heart” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”heart” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″] [icon type=”cog” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”cog” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”cog” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”cog” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″] [icon type=”camera” size=”96″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”camera” size=”66″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”camera” size=”36″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″][icon type=”camera” size=”16″ float=”none” color=”#0e90d2″]
[header text=”” subtext=”Buttons”]
[lead]Select sizes, color, and optionally prepend an icon inside the buttons! [/lead]
[button text=”Button Large” url=”#” size=”large” type=”info” icon=”zoom-in” iconcolor=”white”]
[button text=”Button Medium” url=”#” size=”medium” type=”success” icon=”zoom-out” iconcolor=”white”]
[button text=”Button Small” url=”#” size=”small” type=”danger” icon=”glass” iconcolor=”white”]
[button text=”Button Mini” url=”#” size=”mini” type=”default” icon=”check” iconcolor=”white”]
[button_group][button text=”This is” url=”#” size=”medium” type=”default”][button text=” A Button” url=”#” size=”medium” type=”default”][button text=”Group” url=”#” size=”medium” type=”default”][/button_group]
[header text=”” subtext=”Labels”]
[label type=”success” text=”success label”]
[label type=”important” text=”important label”]
[label type=”info” text=”info label”]
[label type=”inverse” text=”inverse label”]
[label type=”warning” text=”warning label”]
[header text=”” subtext=”Badges”]
[badge type=”warning” text=”30″]
[badge type=”info” text=”50″]
[badge type=”success” text=”70″]
[badge type=”important” text=”100″]
[badge type=”inverse” text=”120″]
[header text=”” subtext=”Progress Bars”]
[progress width=”20″ striped=”off” animate=”off” ]
[progress width=”40″ striped=”off” animate=”off” type=”info”]
[progress width=”60″ striped=”off” animate=”off” type=”success”]
[progress width=”80″ striped=”off” animate=”off” type=”warning”]
[progress width=”100″ striped=”off” animate=”off” type=”danger”]
[progress width=”100″ striped=”on” animate=”on” type=”danger”]
[progress width=”80″ striped=”on” animate=”on” type=”warning”]
[progress width=”60″ striped=”on” animate=”on” type=”success”]
[progress width=”40″ striped=”on” animate=”on” type=”info”]
[progress width=”20″ striped=”on” animate=”on” ]
[header text=”” subtext=”Code”]
[code scroll=”false”]<here><goes></some></code>[/code]
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